2024-06-21 18:01:21 +03:00

206 lines
5.7 KiB

const { google } = require('googleapis');
const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');
const client_id = process.env.CLIENT_ID;
const client_secret = process.env.CLIENT_SECRET;
const rToken = process.env.REFRESH_TOKEN;
async function authorize() {
const oAuth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(client_id, client_secret, "http://localhost");
return await refreshToken(oAuth2Client);
async function refreshToken(oAuth2Client) {
oAuth2Client.setCredentials({ refresh_token: rToken });
oAuth2Client.on('tokens', (tokens) => {
if (tokens.access_token) {
// console.log('New access token:', tokens.access_token);
return oAuth2Client;
async function listMessages(auth, email) {
const gmail ={ version: 'v1', auth });
async function searchMessages(label, email) {
const res = await gmail.users.messages.list({
userId: 'me',
q: `to:${email}`,
labelIds: [label],
maxResults: 10,
return || [];
const inboxMessages = await searchMessages('INBOX', email);
const spamMessages = await searchMessages('SPAM', email);
const messages = [...inboxMessages, ...spamMessages];
if(messages.length > 0) {
const msg = await gmail.users.messages.get({
userId: 'me',
id: messages[0].id,
return Buffer.from([0].parts[0], 'base64').toString('utf-8');
async function messagesCount(auth, email) {
const gmail ={ version: 'v1', auth });
async function searchMessages(label, email) {
const res = await gmail.users.messages.list({
userId: 'me',
q: `to:${email}`,
labelIds: [label],
maxResults: 10,
return || [];
const inboxMessages = await searchMessages('INBOX', email);
const spamMessages = await searchMessages('SPAM', email);
const messages = [...inboxMessages, ...spamMessages];
return messages.length;
async function checkMessagesCount(email, count) {
return authorize().then(async (auth) => {
const actualCount = await messagesCount(auth, email);
async function getMessagesCount(email) {
return authorize().then(async (auth) => {
return await messagesCount(auth, email);
async function getRegisterMessage(email) {
return authorize().then(async (auth) => {
const body = await listMessages(auth, email);
if (body) {
const urlRegex = /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/;
const match = body.match(urlRegex);
if (match) {
const url = match[0];
const remainingText = body.replace(url, '').trim();
return {
inviteUrl: url,
inviteText: remainingText,
} else {
console.log('No URL found in the text.');
return null;
async function checkInviteText(text, team, user='k8q6byz') {
const messageText = 'Hello!\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
`${user} has invited you to join the team “${team}”.\r\n` +
'\r\n' +
'Accept invitation using this link:\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'Enjoy!\r\n' +
'The Penpot team.';
await expect(text).toBe(messageText);
async function checkRegisterText(text, name) {
const messageText = `Hello ${name}!\r\n` +
'\r\n' +
'Thanks for signing up for your Penpot account! Please verify your email using the\r\n' +
'link below and get started building mockups and prototypes today!\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'Enjoy!\r\n' +
'The Penpot team.';
await expect(text).toBe(messageText);
async function checkRecoveryText(text, name) {
const messageText = `Hello ${name}!\r\n` +
'\r\n' +
'We received a request to reset your password. Click the link below to choose a\r\n' +
'new one:\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'If you received this email by mistake, you can safely ignore it. Your password\r\n' +
"won't be changed.\r\n" +
'\r\n' +
'Enjoy!\r\n' +
'The Penpot team.';
await expect(text).toBe(messageText);
async function checkNewEmailText(text, name, newEmail) {
const messageText = `Hello ${name}!\r\n` +
'\r\n' +
`We received a request to change your current email to ${newEmail}.\r\n` +
'\r\n' +
'Click to the link below to confirm the change:\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'If you received this email by mistake, please consider changing your password\r\n' +
'for security reasons.\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'Enjoy!\r\n' +
'The Penpot team.';
await expect(text).toBe(messageText);
async function waitMessage(page , email, timeoutSec= 40) {
const timeout = timeoutSec*1000;
const interval = 4000;
const startTime =;
let invite;
await page.waitForTimeout(interval);
while ( - startTime < timeout) {
invite = await getRegisterMessage(email);
if (invite) {
return invite;
await page.waitForTimeout(interval);
if (!invite) {
throw new Error('Timeout reached: invite is still undefined');
async function waitSecondMessage(page , email, timeoutSec= 40) {
const timeout = timeoutSec*1000;
const interval = 4000;
const startTime =;
let count;
await page.waitForTimeout(interval);
while ( - startTime < timeout) {
count = await getMessagesCount(email);
if (count === 2) {
return 1;
await page.waitForTimeout(interval);
if (count !== 2) {
throw new Error('Timeout reached: second messages is still undefined');
module.exports = {checkInviteText, getRegisterMessage, checkRegisterText, checkRecoveryText, checkNewEmailText, checkMessagesCount, waitMessage, waitSecondMessage};